Winter and Dental Hygiene

Winter brings a secret problem apart from snow, ice and cold. Dental problems are common in winter and the reason is not known yet. Excruciating pain in the jaws and toothache after meals or drink is common. Here is how you can take care of your teeth during winter.

Winter Dental Hygiene

Seventy per cent of adults have gum diseases which they often do not realize until bleeding or pain occurs. Dental hygiene is a must in all seasons but especially during winter, it becomes compulsory as it pains a lot. 🙂 Practice the regular habits apart from the following:

  1. Of course, brush twice a day
  2. Floss as needed
  3. Use a good tongue cleaner
  4. Use a good mouth wash such as Listerine
  5. Use a soft brush with good bristles
  6. Do not change the tooth paste except unless doctor suggests
  7. Visit the doctor twice a year
  8. Get the teeth cleaned at every doctor visit
  9. If the pain persists, brush after every meal
  10. Check for bleeding from gums

Making small circles while brushing is a good practice. Time your brushing for two minutes, twice a day. Check that you clean all your teeth one after the other for complete cleaning. Try brushing the dirt outside the mouth and not vice versa. Change your tooth brush every three months. Quick mouth wash is also an option if you do not have time for brushing second time.

Check with your insurance and dentist about the rules and charges before scheduling a visit. Most insurances offer two free visits per year along with free cleaning. Do not hesitate to ask for a dental insurance card and your account number.

Do you face toothaches in winter? What do you do? Write back. 🙂

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