Frost Tonight!

Bring in the lovely plants. It is going to be frosty tonight in the early morning.

Weather experts predict frost in the mornings despite the temperature. So, it is suggested to bring the outdoor plants inside during the nights.

After a while, they have to be inside anyways due to the low temperatures and snow and cold.

Plants cannot survive the extreme temperatures and hence you need to move them. This is the right time. šŸ™‚

Snow Storm Ahoy

Get ready for the greatest snow storm in decades. TheĀ meteorologistsĀ and weather news channels are getting crazy about the greatest storm coming up. Spanning from new Mexico to Maine, the storm is sure to upset the lives and create a havoc if we are unprepared.

Quad cities is expected to receive 12 to 16 inches of snow today and tomorrow. There is a chance of power outage and total block out. The internet, telephone and cell phone facilities may be down in the next two days. Most of the area schools have already declared holidays for the children.

Thirty snow plowing trucks in Moline are already on roads for clearing the snow. Ā Piles of salt is waiting to clear the snow. Icy conditions may lead to accidents and hence do not travel. Heavy winds and snow gusting may make travel difficult and impossible. Snow emergency has been declared in most of the counties and snow routes are in effect. That is, if you park your vehicle by the road side, your vehicle will be towed away at your expense as it is blocking the snow clearance.

Area residents are stocking up for until the Super Bowl game ahead of the storm. Stocking the essentials such as milk, bread, water, and medicines is a good idea. Stay warm and stay safe. šŸ™‚

Freeze Tonight

Bring in the plants you want to keep during the winter. It is going to be freezing tonight. The temperatures are going to be between twenty to twenty five and your plants may die.

Due to the bad weather after so many years and accompslishing storms nation wide, the outdoor plants tend to lose their lives. So, bring in the plants tonight to save them. šŸ™‚