Why praying God is important?

Every religion has its own rules and methods to pray God. But, in the busy life, who has time to pray God. Is worshiping God only old people’s task. Most of us believe that God is watching us and will help us anyways and that praying is unimportant. But, daily prayers make us nearer to God and help in self satisfaction while increasing confidence.


God is omnipresent and has multi-powers to solve all our problems. It is believed that God can do greatest wonders and help mankind. Though nobody sees God, most of us believe the existence of a super natural power that creates life and rules our day-to-day lives.

The Power of Praying

Praying God may not solve our problem. But, remembering His favors help us maintain an optimistic view toward life. Instead of losing hope and getting depressed, praying daily will help acquire mental peace and clarity. We are naturally preoccupied with multiple thoughts and are confused many times. Praying will offer support and mental consolation to any soul.

Further, we may set an example to our next generations by offering prayers to God. Showing our respect toward our culture and traditions will foster good environment in the family and community. Children learn from us, so we set an example to them as how we get solace in the situations of danger and confusion.

God bless all. 🙂