25 tips for a happy marriage

The New York post listed twenty five tips for a happy marriage. While I think only one best tip works, ‘Silence’. Enduring the partner’s good and bad requires a lot of patience and the only way to express self is remaining silent.

While exerting your wishes and wants on the partner, it is also important as how far are we prepared to receive the other person’s wants.

The priorities of both the members may vary, but the common goal must be peace and happiness. Enjoying the small moments, while working for the bigger goals is essential to keep the marriage going.

Silence in most of the tense and unpleasant situations avoids conflict and ugly fights in front of other family members. It is better to resolve the issues in private. Or, giving some time to let the matter settle down may help.

Finally, it is not him versus her but it is the overall happiness of the family that is most important consideration in marriage. Regardless of who the bread winner is or who the intelligent person is, all the feelings and needs of the members must be prioritized before establishing individual’s interest.

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